How We Organize
BAC's structure
We are a co-operative and a sociocracy
Our vision is to carry the spirit of community acupuncture through the entire business. This led to BAC being organized as a co-operative and a sociocracy because these models embody the values of community, equality, accountability, and transparency to name a few. BAC is governed by an autonomous group of volunteers to meet the economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations of our community as they relate to acupuncture. Our co-op members, our board, our employees, and our volunteers co-manage BAC with the mission to share the benefits of our services with our surrounding community. For more about sociocracy, please see:
Although anyone can join the co-op, you do not need to be a member of the co-op to take advantage of BAC's services. As a co-op member, you will be able to vote on BAC's Board of Directors, one of BAC's governing entities. As a co-op member, you also help to support the national effort to make community acupuncture affordable and accessible for everyone by also becoming a member of The People's Organization of Community Acupuncure (POCA)! Learn all about becoming a co-op member here!
We are a non-profit
BAC is a non-profit corporation with the following goals:​
To improve the quality of life in our community by providing relief from pain, discomfort, stress, isolation, and financial burdens of acute and chronic illness by providing complementary and alternative health care services, primarily acupuncture.
To serve everyone in the community regardless of their income.
To serve all individuals regardless of sex, race, color, income, national origin, age, ability or disability, marital status, gender, familial situation, religion, size, shape, sexual orientation, veteran status, or political beliefs.
To provide affordable acupuncture services in a community setting.
To provide affordable complementary and alternative healthcare and affordable products and services that supplement, complement, or enhance the acupuncture treatments.
To provide support, advice and mentoring to individuals wishing to open a new, or improve an existing, community acupuncture practice.
To provide community support, education, and outreach on the subject of alternative and complementary medicine and health.
To provide pro bono/charity acupuncture treatments when a need is present.
We are a part of something bigger
BAC is a proud member of People's Organization of Community Acupuncture (POCA). POCA is a multi-stakeholder cooperative that links community acupuncture clinics around the world to increase the availability of affordable and effective acupuncture treatments in a group setting. You can find any POCA clinic by going to POCA's website.
Our acupunks are dedicated to furthering the reach of acupuncture outside of the clinic. They are involved in the Idaho Acupuncture Board and Idaho Acupuncture Association.