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Your Clinic's Mission

community acupuncture treatment room with patients peacfuly resting

We provide acupuncture for all


Boise Acupuncture Co-op (BAC) is a non-profit, co-operative that provides a welcoming space where people come as they are and are empowered to heal side by side in community. Our mission is to provide quality, accessible community acupuncture to all peoples.


We envision


a world where resilient communities support each other to reduce isolation, process trauma, and ease collective and individual suffering.

We value

Removing barriers to care

Finances should never be a limiting factor in your pursuit of health and wellness. We charge on a sliding scale of $25 to $60. You decide what you can pay, no questions asked. There is a $20 one time additional fee for your first appointment. We are open 7 days a week with a wide range of available time.

We began

in 2014 with three women (hence the three birds in our logo) and a dream to provide accessible community acupuncture to all people. The founders envisioned a clinic large enough to support the communities' needs, and provide living wages for the employees. A year later, they converted to a non-profit to further increase our reach and to enable us to offer more programs to underserved populations. 


They sought out a cooperative and non-hierarchical business structure to take the spirit of community acupuncture through the entire business model, officially adopting a sociocratic governance structure in 2019.



three birds flying in a circle
three wome with boise acupuncture co-op shirts on
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